12 Causes Of Your AC Not Cooling & Solutions

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12 Causes Of Your AC Not Cooling & Solutions

Every time you turn on your air conditioner, you expect it to function perfectly to provide respite from the heat during summertime. There are times, however, when your HVAC unit won’t turn on. There might be something that can be easily fixed as a DIY solution or, in some cases, by contacting a reputable company, such as Suter Air Conditioning for AC service in The Villages and neighboring areas.

Below are 12 AC problems that might lead to the unit not cooling and their solutions.

An air conditioner might show various signs of repair before completely shutting down. One of the main indications of a major repair coming your way could be your air conditioner not cooling efficiently. Listed below are 12 problems that could be the reason for insufficient cooling:

  • Blocked registers and vents
    AC registers or vents get blocked when furniture is moved. Registers are often intentionally closed or blocked, especially in offices.
    The problem could very well be easy to fix. Verify that all your vents and registers are accessible and open when you take a walk around your space. 
  • Too much sun
    Is there a lot of south- and west-facing glass in your home? It may be tempting for sun worshippers to leave them uncovered, but that hot sun adds a significant load to your air conditioner. During the hottest part of the day, close your blinds or shades if your AC doesn’t cool your room enough.
  • Too much humidity
    It could be because of too much humidity when it feels like your AC isn’t cooling. Even if the room is set at the desired temperature, your AC might not be able to remove enough moisture from the air to make you comfortable in muggy weather.
    If you have an older system, that’s especially true. In recent years, more sophisticated systems have been developed that remove humidity better. In the meantime, you can try installing dehumidifiers if you’re not ready to replace your unit yet.
  • The heat from lights, electronics & appliances
    Whenever you generate heat, your air conditioning system has to work harder. Try shutting off lights and electronics when not in use during non-peak hours when it’s cooler if your AC isn’t cooling properly. Also, LED lights produce less heat than older lighting fixtures.
  • Leaky building
    Are you living in an older building that isn’t as energy-efficient as it once was? The air conditioner may not be able to cool if air leaks out through old windows, doors, and poorly insulated walls.
    It can be expensive to fix this issue, but small changes can help if your AC is not cooling well due to a drafty space. Install weather stripping around doors and windows, and use window coverings that keep air out.
  • Poor airflow around the AC condenser unit
    Air flow is vital to the operation of your air conditioning system. You may not be able to release heat if your condensing unit is covered in leaves or debris or surrounded by storage items. If your AC doesn’t cool well, keep your condensing unit clear.
  • Low refrigerant charge or a refrigerant leak
    To remove heat from your space, you need the right amount of refrigerant in your air-cooled AC system. An AC that doesn’t cool, especially if it happens gradually, could have a refrigerant leak.
    An AC that doesn’t cool, especially if it happens gradually, could have a refrigerant leak. Find and fix the leak with the help of our qualified HVAC technician for AC tune-ups in the Villages
  • Fan issues
    Your AC’s ability to cool your space depends on the airflow. When your fan motor is sluggish or clogged with grime and debris, your AC won’t cool well. A qualified HVAC company can easily fix this problem.
  • Clogged ducts
    Ducts can accumulate so much dust that they cannot move enough cool air. A duct cleaning service can help if this is what is causing your AC not to cool well.
    Clogged ducts could jam the components from fully working, leading to insufficient cooling. Contact an HVAC specialist to clear those clogged ducts and make your air conditioning unit work smoothly and efficiently.
  • Not enough cooling capacity
    Is your HVAC system outdated because you have made changes to your space? If your AC is too small to handle the cooling needs of your new space, or significantly increased numbers of people in the space, for instance.
    It’s also important to consider how you’ll use the space when deciding how much cooling capacity you’ll need. 
  • Too much capacity
    You can achieve a surprising result by solving the opposite problem. Your unit might turn on and off frequently if it is too large for the space.
    The AC does not run long enough to remove humidity, making it feel like it isn’t cooling. Downgrading to a smaller unit might be necessary.
  • Design issues
    It may be that you have changed the layout of your space without changing the HVAC design, which is why your AC is not cooling well enough.
    Remodeling or changing an office cubicle layout can change the areas where cooling is needed. Moving or adding ductwork or additional registers can sometimes make a big difference.


An HVAC expert can help you sort through all these possible issues and determine why your air conditioner isn’t working. After you rule out all space-related issues, the system may have issues that need to be addressed. 

It may be necessary to repair or replace your unit, especially if it is old. Repairing an old system can save you time, but are you wasting money on equipment that will fail again shortly?

To know more about every possible question related to your unit, get in touch with a professional for AC repair the VillagesGet all the answers you need by contacting Suter Air Conditioning. We have the experts trained to handle every issue to make up our most reliable team. Contact us today to know more.